Thursday, May 21, 2009

Free E-BOOK 3

Note:If you find it difficult to follow the instructions or guidelines provided in these FREE E BOOKS,there are several companies which sell ready-made sites which may earn for you in a relatively short period.Here is an example of one such site:
Ready-to-earn sites available.Now You can start earning without any effort at all.

Features of a good web-site:

There are millions of web-sites available in the web and so it will be impossible to mention accurately what a web-site should be like.We can at best identify and list some important features of a good web-site.The reason why I am mentioning this is simple: It is easy to feel demotivated and discouraged by the sheer number of good web-sites existing now.We should ignore all the hype and focus on the questions at hand and the relevant answers:

Q1. what is our objective?
A1. To earn money on the internet.

Q2. Can I afford to spend money to pay professional web-designers and developers?
A2. No, I can't afford.I want to do it free of cost.

Q3. Will it help, if I develop a simple, free-of cost web-site to achieve my objective.
A3. Yes, it will and we can achieve our objective.

Q4. So, what should I do now? How do I begin?
A4. Simple.Follow the instructions and step-by-step guides provided in the Free e-books regularly.

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